Simply follow the instructions provided on the "Choose a License" page. You will then be provided some HTML code to insert on your web site or you can include a link from your document, photo, video or other creative work to the relevant license.
Here is a breakdown of the six CC licenses available:
= Attribution
= Attribution and No Derivatives
= Attribution and Share Alike
= Attribution and Non Commercial
= Attribution and Non Commercial and No Derivatives
= Attribution and Non Commercial and Share Alike
So what do these mean? The CC site provides a wealth of information about not only the licenses but also things to consider before selecting a license. Wikipedia also has a helpful overview.
CC licenses are popping up all over the place, and discussions about open access invariably reference them. For example, funders of open access research are increasingly requiring that specific types of licenses be used. A case in point is the UKRI, whose policy expresses a preference for publication in an OA journal operating under the most liberal license, or CC BY.
- Refer to Open Content: A Practical Guide to Using Creative Commons Licences for more detailed information about CC licenses and how to choose the appropriate one for your work.