International Journal of Refugee Law
This page highlights Open Access IJRL articles, either via the "green" route (eprints deposited in online repositories or on author sites) or via the "hybrid" route (articles are immediately made OA upon payment of a fee). If you are interested in other freely available IJRL articles, you can find a selection on the official IJRL web site.
vol. 32, no. 4, Dec. 2020
"Asylum Decisions as Performances: Intertextuality in Internal Credibility Assessment," by Erna Bodström
"Who is a Refugee? Uncertainty and Discretion in Asylum Decisions," by Tone Maia Liodden
"The Trump Administration, COVID-19, and the Continuing Assault on the Rights of Asylum Seekers and Refugees," by Sabrineh Ardalan
vol. 32, no. 2, June 2020
"International Refugee Law between Scholarship and Practice," by Rosemary Byrne & Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
- officially published online as Open Access 15 June 2020
- preprint via SSRN
vol. 30, no. 2, June 2018
"Durable Solutions and the Right of Return for IDPs: Evolving Interpretations," by Megan Bradley
vol. 28, no. 4, Dec. 2016
"Statelessness as a Human Rights Issue: A Concept Whose Time Has Come?," by Michelle Foster & Hélène Lambert
- officially published online 21 Nov. 2016
- postprint via Univ. of Westminster IR (UK)
vol. 27, no. 2, June 2015
"Ensuring Precariousness: The Status of Designated Foreign National under the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act 2012," by Anne Neylon
- officially published online 4 June 2015
- postprint via Univ. of Liverpool IR (UK)
- Author = UK
vol. 27, no. 1, March 2015
"Asylum as a General Principle of International Law," by Maria-Teresa Gil-Bazo
- officially published online 3 Feb. 2015
- postprint via Newcastle Univ. IR (UK)
- Author = UK
"The Internal Protection Alternative Inquiry and Human Rights Considerations – Irrelevant or Indispensable?," by Bríd Ní Ghráinne
- officially published online 3 Feb. 2015
This page highlights Open Access IJRL articles, either via the "green" route (eprints deposited in online repositories or on author sites) or via the "hybrid" route (articles are immediately made OA upon payment of a fee). If you are interested in other freely available IJRL articles, you can find a selection on the official IJRL web site.
Current publication fee for publishing a hybrid open access article in IJRL = £2998
Advance articles:
Advance articles:
"Controlling the discretion to expel under Article 32 of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees Comments on the meaning of terms, particularly 'public order' and 'ordre public', and on the importance of judicial control," by Guy Goodwin-Gill
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = UK/Australia/Canada
"Fleeing Deprivation: Deducing Non-Refoulement Obligations from Economic, Social and Cultural Rights," by Mariana Ferolla Vallandro do Valle
- officially published online as Open Access 5 Dec. 2024
- Author = Switzerland
vol. 36, no. 3, Oct. 2024
"Cosmopolitan Pariahs: The Moral Rationale for Exclusion under Article 1F," by Colin Grey
- officially published online as Open Access 25 July 2024
- Author = Canada
"Internal Flight Anarchy: Points of Divergence from UNHCR Guidelines in Canadian Decision Making," by Pia Zambelli
- officially published online as Open Access 11 Oct. 2024
- Author = Canada
vol. 36, nos. 1-2, March/June 2024
"Afghan Women Are Under Threat from the Taliban: A Great Test of the Turkish Government and the Courts," by Hülya Kaya
- officially published online as Open Access 17 June 2024
- Author = UK/Turkey
"Rape Myths in the European Court of Human Rights’ Non-Refoulement Case Law on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence," by Lore Roels
- officially published online 30 Nov. 2023
- postprint via FMRA embargoed until 30 Nov. 2025
- Author = Belgium
"Resisting Domestic Violence," by Catherine Briddick
- officially published online as Open Access 1 April 2024
- Author = UK
vol. 35, no. 4, Dec. 2023
"Unrecognizing Refugees: The Inadmissibility Scheme Replacing Article 1F Decisions in Canada," by Didem Doğar
- officially published online as Open Access 29 Feb. 2024
- Author = Netherlands
"The Locus of Persecution Reconsidered: Risk of Re-Trafficking, Cumulative Harm, and Failure of State Protection," by Maja Grundler
- officially published online as Open Access 10 Dec. 2023
- Author = UK
"Enhancing the Rights of Protection-Seeking Migrants through the Global Compact for Migration: The Case of EU Asylum Policy," by Jürgen Bast, Pauline Endres de Oliveira & Janna Wessels
- officially published online as Open Access 9 March 2024
- Authors = Germany (2), Netherlands
vol. 35, no. 3, Oct. 2023
vol. 35, no. 3, Oct. 2023
"Saudi Arabia and the International Refugee Regime," by Maja Janmyr & Charlotte Lysa
- officially published online as Open Access 21 Nov. 2023
- Authors = Norway
"Unpacking the Safe Third Country Concept in the European Union: B/orders, Legal Spaces, and Asylum in the Shadow of Externalization," by Berfin Nur Osso
- officially published online as Open Access 18 Dec. 2023
- Author = Finland
"The Securitization of Asylum: A Review of UK Asylum Laws Post-Brexit," by Cristina Saenz Perez
- officially published online as Open Access 10 Dec. 2023
- Author = UK
vol. 35, no. 2, June 2023
"Migration Deals Seen through the Lens of the ICESCR," by Annick Pijnenburg
- officially published online as Open Access 11 July 2023
- Author = Netherlands
"Nationality Status Determination in Asylum Procedures under the CEAS and the Potential Impact of the ‘New Pact on Migration and Asylum’," by Cecilia Manzotti
- officially published online as Open Access 26 April 2023
- Author = UK
vol. 35, no. 1, March 2023
"A Requirement of Shame: On the Evolution of the Protection of LGB Refugees," by Karin Åberg
- officially published online as Open Access 11 July 2023
- Author = Sweden
"Applying the ‘Ceased Circumstances’ Cessation Clause: More Politics than Law?," by Georgia Cole
- officially published online as Open Access 17 Aug. 2023
- Author = UK
vol. 34, nos. 3-4, Oct.-Dec. 2022
"Utterly Unbelievable: The Discourse of ‘Fake’ SOGI Asylum Claims as a Form of Epistemic Injustice," by Nuno Ferreira
- officially published online as Open Access 1 Feb. 2023
- Author = UK
"What Can Artificial Intelligence Do for Refugee Status Determination? A Proposal for Removing Subjective Fear," by Niamh Kinchin, Davoud Mougouei
- officially published online as Open Access 22 Nov. 2022
- Authors = Australia
"Health Emergency and Asylum Law in the European Union," by Salvatore Fabio Nicolosi
- officially published online as Open Access 17 Feb. 2023
- Author = Netherlands
"Moving Beyond Refugee Law: Putting Principles on Climate Mobility into Practice," by Jane McAdam
- officially published online 29 May 2023
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Australia
vol. 34, no. 2, June 2022
"'Time' in Refugee Status Determination in Australia and the United Kingdom: A Clear and Present Danger from Armed Conflict?," by Michelle Foster, Hannah Gordon, Hélène Lambert & Jane McAdam
- officially published online 14 Sept. 2022
- postprint via SSRN
- Authors = Australia
"Reassessing the Relationship between Equality and Vulnerability in relation to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the ECtHR: The MSS Case 10 Years On," by Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko
"The Right to Family Reunification of Children Seeking International Protection under the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Misplaced Reliance on Travaux?," by Yulia Ioffe
- officially published online as Open Access 20 Sept. 2022
- Author = UK
"It’s Not What You Know, It’s How You Use It: The Application of Country of Origin Information in Judicial Refugee Status Determination Decisions – A Case Study of Germany," by Valentin Feneberg, Nick Gill, Nicole I.J. Hoellerer & Laura Scheinert
- officially published online as Open Access 11 Oct. 2022
- Lead author = Germany, co-authors = UK
vol. 34, no. 1, March 2022
"Building Walls at Sea: An Assessment of the Legality of the Greek Floating Barrier," by Danae F Georgoula
- officially published online as Open Access 9 July 2022
- Author = Netherlands
vol. 33, no. 4, Dec. 2021
"Constructing Equality in EU Asylum Law," by Stefan Salomon
- Author = Netherlands
vol. 33, no. 4, Dec. 2021
"Constructing Equality in EU Asylum Law," by Stefan Salomon
- officially published online as Open Access 12 April 2022
- Author = Netherlands
- Author = Netherlands
vol. 33, no. 3, Oct. 2021
"'Treatment Accorded to Aliens Generally': Article 7(1) of the 1951 Refugee Convention as a Basis for Visa-Free Access to States Parties’ Territory? An Examination of the Prohibition of Nationality Discrimination in the Refugee Convention," by Maja Grundler
- officially published online as Open Access 1 Feb. 2022
- Author = UK
vol. 33, no. 2, June 2021
"The 1951 Refugee Convention and Non-Signatory States: Charting a Research Agenda," by Maja Janmyr
vol. 33, no. 2, June 2021
"The 1951 Refugee Convention and Non-Signatory States: Charting a Research Agenda," by Maja Janmyr
- officially published online as Open Access 3 Dec. 2021
- Author = Norway
"Anomaly upon Anomaly: The 1951 Convention and State Disintegration," by Adel-Naim Reyhani
vol. 33, no. 1, March 2021
"The Limits of Static Interests: Appreciating Asylum Seekers’ Contributions to a Country’s Economy in Article 8 ECHR Adjudication on Expulsion," by Adel-Naim Reyhani & Gloria Golmohammadi
- officially published online as Open Access 30 July 2021
- Lead author = Austria, co-author = Sweden
"Between Martyrdom and Silence: Dissent, Duress, and Persecution as the Suppression of Human Rights under the Refugee Convention," by Daniel Wilsher
vol. 32, no. 4, Dec. 2020
"Asylum Decisions as Performances: Intertextuality in Internal Credibility Assessment," by Erna Bodström
- officially published online as Open Access 22 April 2021
- Author = Finland
"Who is a Refugee? Uncertainty and Discretion in Asylum Decisions," by Tone Maia Liodden
- officially published online as Open Access 29 April 2021
- Author = Norway
"The End of the Right to Seek Asylum? COVID-19 and the Future of Refugee Protection," by Daniel Ghezelbash & Nikolas Feith Tan
"The End of the Right to Seek Asylum? COVID-19 and the Future of Refugee Protection," by Daniel Ghezelbash & Nikolas Feith Tan
- officially published online 31 March 2021 [note: this article is currently freely available]
- preprint via EUI IR (Italy)
- Lead author = Australia, co-author = Denmark
"The Trump Administration, COVID-19, and the Continuing Assault on the Rights of Asylum Seekers and Refugees," by Sabrineh Ardalan
- officially published online 10 June 2021 [note: this article is currently freely available]
- postprint via Harvard Univ. IR (US)
- open access via PubMed under COVID-19 license
- Author = US
vol. 32, no. 3, Oct. 2020
"The Right to Leave Any Country and the Interplay between Jurisdiction and Proportionality in Human Rights Law," by Vladislava Stoyanova
vol. 32, no. 3, Oct. 2020
"The Right to Leave Any Country and the Interplay between Jurisdiction and Proportionality in Human Rights Law," by Vladislava Stoyanova
- officially published online 18 Nov. 2020
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Sweden
"Identifying the Stateless in Statelessness Determination Procedures and Immigration Detention in the United Kingdom," by Katia Bianchini
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Sweden
"Identifying the Stateless in Statelessness Determination Procedures and Immigration Detention in the United Kingdom," by Katia Bianchini
- officially published online as Open Access 6 Jan. 2021
- Author = Germany
- Author = Germany
vol. 32, no. 2, June 2020
"International Refugee Law between Scholarship and Practice," by Rosemary Byrne & Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
- officially published online as Open Access 15 June 2020
- preprint via SSRN
- Lead author = United Arab Emirates, co-author = Denmark/Brazil
"The Meaningful Participation of Refugees in Decision-Making Processes: Questions of Law and Policy," by Tristan Harley & Harry Hobbs
"The Meaningful Participation of Refugees in Decision-Making Processes: Questions of Law and Policy," by Tristan Harley & Harry Hobbs
- officially published online 8 May 2020
- postprint via author site
- postprint via UTS IR (Australia)
- Authors = Australia
"The Detention of Migrant Children: A Comparative Study of the United States and Mexico," by Jennifer J Lee & Elisa Ortega Velázquez
- Authors = Australia
"The Detention of Migrant Children: A Comparative Study of the United States and Mexico," by Jennifer J Lee & Elisa Ortega Velázquez
- officially published online 23 July 2020
- postprint via Temple Univ. IR (US)
- Lead author = US, co-author = Mexico
vol. 32, no. 1, March 2020
"The Legal Abyss of Discretion in the Resettlement of Refugees: Cherry-Picking and the Lack of Due Process in the EU," by Tom de Boer & Marjoleine Zieck
- officially published online 10 March 2020
- preprint via SSRN
- Lead author = Netherlands, co-author = Netherlands/Pakistan
"Australia and the Abortive Convention on Territorial Asylum: A Case Study of a Cul de Sac in International Refugee and Human Rights Law," by Savitri Taylor & Klaus Neumann
vol. 32, no. 1, March 2020
"The Legal Abyss of Discretion in the Resettlement of Refugees: Cherry-Picking and the Lack of Due Process in the EU," by Tom de Boer & Marjoleine Zieck
- officially published online 10 March 2020
- preprint via SSRN
- Lead author = Netherlands, co-author = Netherlands/Pakistan
"Australia and the Abortive Convention on Territorial Asylum: A Case Study of a Cul de Sac in International Refugee and Human Rights Law," by Savitri Taylor & Klaus Neumann
- officially published online 27 March 2020
- postprint via LaTrobe Univ. IR (Australia)
- Lead author = Australia, co-author = Germany/Australia
vol. 31, no. 4, Dec. 2019
"A Legal Analysis of a Crucial Element in Country Guidance Determinations: Country of Origin Information," by Femke Vogelaar
- officially published online as Open Access 29 Sept. 2019
vol. 31, no. 4, Dec. 2019
"A Legal Analysis of a Crucial Element in Country Guidance Determinations: Country of Origin Information," by Femke Vogelaar
- officially published online as Open Access 29 Sept. 2019
- Author = Netherlands
vol. 31, nos. 2-3, June/Oct. 2019
"Who Is a Refugee in Africa? A Principled Framework for Interpreting and Applying Africa’s Expanded Refugee Definition," by Tamara Wood
vol. 31, nos. 2-3, June/Oct. 2019
"Who Is a Refugee in Africa? A Principled Framework for Interpreting and Applying Africa’s Expanded Refugee Definition," by Tamara Wood
- officially published online 29 Sept. 2019
- postprint via SSRN
- Author = Australia
vol. 31, no. 1, March 2019
"The Role of Departure States in Combating Irregular Emigration in International Law: An Historical Perspective," by Andrew Wolman
- officially published online 31 March 2019
- postprint via City Univ. of London IR (UK)
- Author = UK
"Suffer the Little Children to Come: The Legal Rights of Unaccompanied Alien Children under United States Federal Court Jurisprudence," by Claire Nolasco Braaten & Daniel Braaten
- officially published online 13 June 2019
- preprint via Texas A&M Univ.-San Antonio IR (US)
- Authors = US
vol. 30, no. 4, Dec. 2018
Note: Currently, all articles in this special issue are freely available from the publisher.
"The Normative Impact of the Global Compact on Refugees," by Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
- officially published online 9 Feb. 2019
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Denmark
"Responsibility Sharing: From Principle to Policy," by Michael W Doyle
- officially published online 9 Dec. 2018
- preprint via Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Author = US
"Strengthening Responsibility Sharing with South–South Cooperation: China’s Role in the Global Compact on Refugees," by Lili Song
- officially published online as Open Access 24 Dec. 2018
- Author = Australia
vol. 31, no. 1, March 2019
"The Role of Departure States in Combating Irregular Emigration in International Law: An Historical Perspective," by Andrew Wolman
- officially published online 31 March 2019
- postprint via City Univ. of London IR (UK)
- Author = UK
"Suffer the Little Children to Come: The Legal Rights of Unaccompanied Alien Children under United States Federal Court Jurisprudence," by Claire Nolasco Braaten & Daniel Braaten
- officially published online 13 June 2019
- preprint via Texas A&M Univ.-San Antonio IR (US)
- Authors = US
vol. 30, no. 4, Dec. 2018
Note: Currently, all articles in this special issue are freely available from the publisher.
"The Normative Impact of the Global Compact on Refugees," by Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
- officially published online 9 Feb. 2019
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Denmark
"Responsibility Sharing: From Principle to Policy," by Michael W Doyle
- officially published online 9 Dec. 2018
- preprint via Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Author = US
"Strengthening Responsibility Sharing with South–South Cooperation: China’s Role in the Global Compact on Refugees," by Lili Song
- officially published online as Open Access 24 Dec. 2018
- Author = Vanuatu
vol. 30, no. 3, Oct. 2018
"The Search for Protection for Stateless Refugees in the Middle East: Palestinians and Kurds in Lebanon and Jordan," by Susan M Akram
vol. 30, no. 3, Oct. 2018
"The Search for Protection for Stateless Refugees in the Middle East: Palestinians and Kurds in Lebanon and Jordan," by Susan M Akram
- officially published online 2 Dec. 2018
- preprint via ResearchGate
- Author = US
vol. 30, no. 2, June 2018
"Durable Solutions and the Right of Return for IDPs: Evolving Interpretations," by Megan Bradley
- officially published online 22 Sept. 2018
- preprint via Academia
- Author = Canada
vol. 30, no. 1, March 2018
"Australia and the 1967 Declaration on Territorial Asylum: A Case Study of the Making of International Refugee and Human Rights Law," by Savitri Taylor & Klaus Neumann
"Rule of Law and United Nations Interoperability," by Geoff Gilbert & Anna Magdalena Rüsch
- officially published online 11 July 2018
- postprint via Univ. of Essex IR (UK)
- Lead author = UK, co-author = Thailand
"Many Rivers to Cross: The Recognition of LGBTQI Asylum in the UK," by Moira Dustin
- Author = Canada
vol. 30, no. 1, March 2018
"Australia and the 1967 Declaration on Territorial Asylum: A Case Study of the Making of International Refugee and Human Rights Law," by Savitri Taylor & Klaus Neumann
- officially published online 28 June 2018
- postprint via LaTrobe Univ. IR (Australia)
- Authors = Australia
"Rule of Law and United Nations Interoperability," by Geoff Gilbert & Anna Magdalena Rüsch
- officially published online 11 July 2018
- postprint via Univ. of Essex IR (UK)
- Lead author = UK, co-author = Thailand
"Many Rivers to Cross: The Recognition of LGBTQI Asylum in the UK," by Moira Dustin
- officially published online 27 June 2018
- Author = UK
vol. 29, no. 4, Dec. 2017
"How Exceptional Must ‘Very Exceptional’ Be? Non-Refoulement, Socio-Economic Deprivation, and Paposhvili v Belgium," by Vladislava Stoyanova
- officially published online 1 Feb. 2018
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Sweden
vol. 29, no. 3, Oct. 2017
"Bringing Rwandan Refugees ‘Home’: The Cessation Clause, Statelessness, and Forced Repatriation," by Lindsey N Kingston
- officially published online 1 Aug. 2017
- preprint via ResearchGate
- Author = US
"No Country of Asylum: ‘Legitimizing’ Lebanon’s Rejection of the 1951 Refugee Convention," by Maja Janmyr
- officially published online as Open Access 5 Oct. 2017
vol. 29, no. 4, Dec. 2017
"How Exceptional Must ‘Very Exceptional’ Be? Non-Refoulement, Socio-Economic Deprivation, and Paposhvili v Belgium," by Vladislava Stoyanova
- officially published online 1 Feb. 2018
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Sweden
vol. 29, no. 3, Oct. 2017
"Bringing Rwandan Refugees ‘Home’: The Cessation Clause, Statelessness, and Forced Repatriation," by Lindsey N Kingston
- officially published online 1 Aug. 2017
- preprint via ResearchGate
- Author = US
"No Country of Asylum: ‘Legitimizing’ Lebanon’s Rejection of the 1951 Refugee Convention," by Maja Janmyr
- officially published online as Open Access 5 Oct. 2017
- Author = Norway
"Refugees or Border Residents from Myanmar? The Status of Displaced Ethnic Kachins and Kokangs in Yunnan Province, China," by Lili Song
- officially published online as Open Access 13 Sept. 2017
"Refugees or Border Residents from Myanmar? The Status of Displaced Ethnic Kachins and Kokangs in Yunnan Province, China," by Lili Song
- officially published online as Open Access 13 Sept. 2017
- Author = Vanuatu
vol. 29, no. 2, June 2017
"Unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the UK: from centres of concentration to a better holding environment," by Jo Wilding
- officially published online 23 May 2017
- postprint via Univ. of Brighton IR (UK)
- Author = UK
vol. 29, no. 1, March 2017
"The Tale of Two Men: Testimonial Styles in the Presentation of Asylum Claims," by Forough Ramezankhah
- officially published online 5 May 2017
- postprint via Keele Univ. IR (UK)
- Author - UK
vol. 29, no. 2, June 2017
"Unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the UK: from centres of concentration to a better holding environment," by Jo Wilding
- officially published online 23 May 2017
- postprint via Univ. of Brighton IR (UK)
- Author = UK
vol. 29, no. 1, March 2017
"The Tale of Two Men: Testimonial Styles in the Presentation of Asylum Claims," by Forough Ramezankhah
- officially published online 5 May 2017
- postprint via Keele Univ. IR (UK)
- Author - UK
vol. 28, no. 4, Dec. 2016
"Statelessness as a Human Rights Issue: A Concept Whose Time Has Come?," by Michelle Foster & Hélène Lambert
- officially published online 21 Nov. 2016
- postprint via Univ. of Westminster IR (UK)
- Lead author = Australia, co-author = UK
"Does the EU Need a European Migration and Protection Agency?," by Elsbeth Guild
- officially published online 19 Oct. 2016
- postprint via Queen Mary Univ. of London IR (UK)
- Author = UK/Netherlands
"UNHCR and Courts: Amicus curiae … sed curia amica est?," by Geoff Gilbert
- officially published online 21 Nov. 2016
- postprint via Univ. of Essex IR (UK)
- Author = UK
vol. 28, no. 2, June 2016
"The Implied Human Rights Obligations of UNHCR," by Niamh Kinchin
- officially published online 18 Aug. 2016
- preprint via Univ. of Wollongong IR (Australia)
- Author = Australia
vol. 27, no. 2, Oct. 2015
"Portuguese Refugee Law in the European Context: The Case of Sexuality-Based Claims," by Nuno Ferreira
"Does the EU Need a European Migration and Protection Agency?," by Elsbeth Guild
- officially published online 19 Oct. 2016
- postprint via Queen Mary Univ. of London IR (UK)
- Author = UK/Netherlands
"UNHCR and Courts: Amicus curiae … sed curia amica est?," by Geoff Gilbert
- officially published online 21 Nov. 2016
- postprint via Univ. of Essex IR (UK)
- Author = UK
vol. 28, no. 2, June 2016
"The Implied Human Rights Obligations of UNHCR," by Niamh Kinchin
- officially published online 18 Aug. 2016
- preprint via Univ. of Wollongong IR (Australia)
- Author = Australia
vol. 27, no. 2, Oct. 2015
"Portuguese Refugee Law in the European Context: The Case of Sexuality-Based Claims," by Nuno Ferreira
- officially published online 29 July 2015
- preprint via ResearchGate
- Author = UK
vol. 27, no. 2, June 2015
"Ensuring Precariousness: The Status of Designated Foreign National under the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act 2012," by Anne Neylon
- officially published online 4 June 2015
- postprint via Univ. of Liverpool IR (UK)
- Author = UK
vol. 27, no. 1, March 2015
"Asylum as a General Principle of International Law," by Maria-Teresa Gil-Bazo
- officially published online 3 Feb. 2015
- postprint via Newcastle Univ. IR (UK)
- Author = UK
"The Internal Protection Alternative Inquiry and Human Rights Considerations – Irrelevant or Indispensable?," by Bríd Ní Ghráinne
- officially published online 3 Feb. 2015
- postprint via Forced Migration Research Archive (Canada)
- postprint via Maynooth Univ. IR (Ireland)
- postprint via White Rose IR (UK)
- Author = UK
"'Climate Change Migrants’: Impediments to a Protection Framework and the Need to Incorporate Migration into Climate Change Adaptation Strategies," by Lauren Nishimura
- officially published online 11 Feb. 2015
- preprint via
- Author = Myanmar
vol. 26, no. 4, Dec. 2014
"The Contemporary International Law Status of the Right to Receive Asylum," by William Thomas Worster
- officially published online 31 Oct. 2014
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Netherlands
"UNHCR's Involvement with IDPs — 'Protection of that Country' for the Purposes of Precluding Refugee Status?," by Bríd Ní Ghráinne
- officially published online 31 Oct. 2014
- postprint via White Rose IR (UK)
- Author = UK
"'Climate Change Migrants’: Impediments to a Protection Framework and the Need to Incorporate Migration into Climate Change Adaptation Strategies," by Lauren Nishimura
- officially published online 11 Feb. 2015
- preprint via
- Author = Myanmar
vol. 26, no. 4, Dec. 2014
"The Contemporary International Law Status of the Right to Receive Asylum," by William Thomas Worster
- officially published online 31 Oct. 2014
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Netherlands
"UNHCR's Involvement with IDPs — 'Protection of that Country' for the Purposes of Precluding Refugee Status?," by Bríd Ní Ghráinne
- officially published online 31 Oct. 2014
- postprint via Forced Migration Research Archive (Canada)
- postprint via White Rose IR (UK)
- Author = UK
"Expanding Protection in Africa? Case Studies of the Implementation of the 1969 African Refugee Convention’s Expanded Refugee Definition," by Tamara Wood
- postprint via White Rose IR (UK)
- Author = UK
"Expanding Protection in Africa? Case Studies of the Implementation of the 1969 African Refugee Convention’s Expanded Refugee Definition," by Tamara Wood
- officially published online 17 Nov. 2014
- postprint via SSRN
- Author = Australia
vol. 26, no. 3, Oct. 2014
- Author = Australia
vol. 26, no. 3, Oct. 2014
"Exclusion from Refugee Status: The Purposes and Principles of the United Nations and Article 1F(c) of the Refugee Convention," by Sandesh Sivakumaran
- officially published online 21 Aug. 2014
- officially published online 21 Aug. 2014
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = UK
vol. 25, no. 3, Oct. 2013
"Decision Making Conditioned by Radical Uncertainty: Credibility Assessment at the Australian Refugee Review Tribunal," Trish Luker
- officially published online 11 November 2013
- postprint via UTS IR (Australia)
- Author = Australia
vol. 25, no. 1, March 2013
"Legal Status, Labelling, and Protection: the Case of Iraqi ‘Refugees’ in Jordan," by Dallal Stevens
- officially published online 14 March 2013
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = UK
vol. 24, no. 3, Oct. 2012
"Hospitality and Sovereignty: What Can We Learn From the Canadian Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?," by Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko
- Author = UK
vol. 25, no. 3, Oct. 2013
"Decision Making Conditioned by Radical Uncertainty: Credibility Assessment at the Australian Refugee Review Tribunal," Trish Luker
- officially published online 11 November 2013
- postprint via UTS IR (Australia)
- Author = Australia
vol. 25, no. 1, March 2013
"Legal Status, Labelling, and Protection: the Case of Iraqi ‘Refugees’ in Jordan," by Dallal Stevens
- officially published online 14 March 2013
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = UK
vol. 24, no. 3, Oct. 2012
"Hospitality and Sovereignty: What Can We Learn From the Canadian Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?," by Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko
- officially published online 13 Aug. 2012
- postprint via NUI Galway IR (Ireland)
- Author = Ireland
vol. 23, no. 3, Oct. 2011
"No Refuge: Flawed Status Determination and the Failures of South Africa's Refugee System to Provide Protection," by Roni Amit
- officially published online 15 June 2011
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = South Africa
vol. 23, no. 1, March 2011
"Swimming against the Tide: Why a Climate Change Displacement Treaty is Not the Answer," by Jane McAdam
- officially published online 10 Jan. 2011
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Australia
vol. 22, no. 3, Oct. 2010
"Human Rights, Non-refoulement and the Protection of Refugees in Hong Kong," by Kelley Loper
- officially published online 21 July 2010
vol. 23, no. 3, Oct. 2011
"No Refuge: Flawed Status Determination and the Failures of South Africa's Refugee System to Provide Protection," by Roni Amit
- officially published online 15 June 2011
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = South Africa
vol. 23, no. 1, March 2011
"Swimming against the Tide: Why a Climate Change Displacement Treaty is Not the Answer," by Jane McAdam
- officially published online 10 Jan. 2011
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Australia
vol. 22, no. 3, Oct. 2010
"Human Rights, Non-refoulement and the Protection of Refugees in Hong Kong," by Kelley Loper
- officially published online 21 July 2010
- postprint via Univ. of Hong Kong IR
- Author = Hong Kong
"What Assumptions about Human Behaviour Underlie Asylum Judgments?," by Jane Herlihy, Kate Gleeson & Stuart Turner
- officially published online 14 July 2010
- preprint via CSEL
- Authors = UK
vol. 22, no. 2, July 2010
"UNHCR Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: A Critical Commentary," by Nicole LaViolette
- officially published online 12 May 2010
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Canada
"The Changing Character of Armed Conflict and the Implications for Refugee Protection Jurisprudence," by Helene Lambert & Theo Farrell
- Authors = UK
vol. 22, no. 2, July 2010
"UNHCR Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: A Critical Commentary," by Nicole LaViolette
- officially published online 12 May 2010
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Canada
"The Changing Character of Armed Conflict and the Implications for Refugee Protection Jurisprudence," by Helene Lambert & Theo Farrell
- officially published online 12 May 2010
- postprint via UTS IR (UK)
- Authors = UK
vol. 22, no. 1, March 2010
"Muslim Women's Claims to Refugee Status within the Context of Child Custody upon Divorce under Islamic Law," by Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko
- officially published online 21 Jan. 2010
- postprint via NUI Galway IR (Ireland)
- Author = Switzerland/Canada
vol. 21, no. 4, Dec. 2009
"Credibility, Proof and Refugee Law," by James A. Sweeney
- officially published online 1 Dec. 2009
- postprint via Durham University IR (UK)
- Author = UK
vol. 21, no. 1, March 2009
"‘The Ring of Truth’: A Case Study of Credibility Assessment in Particular Social Group Refugee Determinations," by Jenni Millbank
- officially published online 20 Jan. 2009
- preprint via UTS IR (Australia)
- Author = Australia
vol. 19, no. 2, July 2007
"Gender-Related Refugee Claims: Expanding the Scope of the Canadian Guidelines," by Nicole LaViolette
- officially published online 12 June 2007
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Canada
vol. 17, no. 4, Dec. 2005
"Inadmissible in Iberia: The Fate of Asylum Seekers in Spain and Portugal," by Maryellen Fullerton
- officially published online 1 Dec. 2005
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = US
vol. 13, no. 3, July 2001
"‘International Meaning’: Comity in Fundamental Rights Adjudication," by Timothy Endicott
- Authors = UK
vol. 22, no. 1, March 2010
"Muslim Women's Claims to Refugee Status within the Context of Child Custody upon Divorce under Islamic Law," by Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko
- officially published online 21 Jan. 2010
- postprint via NUI Galway IR (Ireland)
- Author = Switzerland/Canada
vol. 21, no. 4, Dec. 2009
"Credibility, Proof and Refugee Law," by James A. Sweeney
- officially published online 1 Dec. 2009
- postprint via Durham University IR (UK)
- Author = UK
vol. 21, no. 1, March 2009
"‘The Ring of Truth’: A Case Study of Credibility Assessment in Particular Social Group Refugee Determinations," by Jenni Millbank
- officially published online 20 Jan. 2009
- preprint via UTS IR (Australia)
- Author = Australia
vol. 19, no. 2, July 2007
"Gender-Related Refugee Claims: Expanding the Scope of the Canadian Guidelines," by Nicole LaViolette
- officially published online 12 June 2007
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = Canada
vol. 17, no. 4, Dec. 2005
"Inadmissible in Iberia: The Fate of Asylum Seekers in Spain and Portugal," by Maryellen Fullerton
- officially published online 1 Dec. 2005
- preprint via SSRN
- Author = US
vol. 13, no. 3, July 2001
"‘International Meaning’: Comity in Fundamental Rights Adjudication," by Timothy Endicott
- officially published online 1 July 2001
- postprint via Univ. of Oxford IR (UK)
- Author = UK
vol. 11, no. 2, April 1999
"Who Determines Refugee Policy? Promoting The Right of Asylum in South Africa," by Jeff Handmaker
- officially published online 1 April 1999
- postprint via Erasmus Univ. IR (Netherlands)
- Author = South Africa
vol. 10, no. 4, Oct. 1998
"The Concept of Inhuman or Degrading Treatment in International Law and its Application in Asylum Cases," by Alberta Fabbricotti
vol. 11, no. 2, April 1999
"Who Determines Refugee Policy? Promoting The Right of Asylum in South Africa," by Jeff Handmaker
- officially published online 1 April 1999
- postprint via Erasmus Univ. IR (Netherlands)
- Author = South Africa
vol. 10, no. 4, Oct. 1998
"The Concept of Inhuman or Degrading Treatment in International Law and its Application in Asylum Cases," by Alberta Fabbricotti